Paramaethu Cymru is the Welsh branch of the Permaculture Association - a registered charity covering the whole of Britain. We have recently entered an exciting new revisioning phase  - and are currently diving deep in exploring the best and most meaningful ways to support and grow the permaculture movement across Wales. 

We are looking for new members for our main steering group and all of our working groups, and if you have any particular skills or passions to drive this forward with us we'd love to hear from you. 

Time commitments can vary, but at this set up stage we are meeting every couple of weeks for a 90 minute meeting, but that will soon move to monthly. 

You can read more about all of the different groups here - if you would like to join us or find out any more information, please contact Nim Robins, our current chairperson and facilitator at [email protected] 

paramethu cymru steering group

Steering group

Steering group

The main steering group is responsible for holding the vision, mission and aims of Paramaethu Cymru moving forwards. We are currently meeting once a month for 90 minutes on zoom, and are looking at many exciting possibilities of how we can make the most difference to permaculturists in Wales. We are particuarly interested in hearing from people who bring a diverse perspective from any area of Wales. 

Current members are Nim Robins (chairperson), Elizabeth Westaway (secretary), Andy Goldring (Permaculture Association CEO), Sally Hughes, Gail Robinson, Peter Stopp, and Angie Polkey.